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Happy 6 monthaversary to my office space

Well, hello there my darlings. This year is just speeding its way through. We are already on the last quarter and before you know it, it's Christmas.Ouff I don't know about you but I'm not ready. Anyways, let's move on to the real reason why I'm writing this post today. I have been emotional since the month started guys. Every time I walk in my office space, I get tears in my eyes. I can't believe I've already been in this space for six months already.

This is what faith looks like. This is what it looks like when you let God take the wheels. This honestly is what it looks like when you say "God, I trust you" and take that leap of faith. To some, you might say " it's six months" it's not a big deal. But when you know how far you've come and how God has literally been on your side every step of the way, you'll understand how big of a deal this is. I have been in this business for 11 years going on 12 in a few months and I've been through the unthinkable. It has not always been pretty. I've shed more tears then smiles but I kept holding on because I know I serve a faithful God. This is personal to me, it's a win, a victory and it just proves to me nothing is impossible and there's always a way.

Quick story. When i decided to do this photoshoot at the office, I didn't even realize that it was going to be around my 6 months anniversary in my office. I just really wanted to do something professional since I've just been thinking random pics with my phone to promote and share. It wasn't until a day before the shoot that I realized "wow, I booked it literally the same month of my 6 months anniversary" Talking about on time God.

I am thankful to everyone who has supported me for the 6 months since I've opened my office. To all the business referrals, to all the prayers, the positive words spoken over me and my business. They say it takes a village to build anything. Let me just say the people I have around me have been a whole country of support. Let's keep growing together and keep elevating one another. Let's continue this journey together and make it bigger.

I have a whole lot coming up for the holidays for you all so stay tuned and book me for your Holiday Shoot. We sell plus size, but our styling services is offered to everyone.

Philippians 4:6

Love you all!


Outfit details: Looks by Me (_styledbymb_)

Makeup: Dopbeauty_

Pics: Khdigitalphotgraphy

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